Raimund in 9th place best German

Poland's Dawid Kubacki won the qualifying event in Garmisch-Partenkirchen with a jump of 140.5 meters. Best DSV eagle was Philipp Raimund on rank 9.

In best conditions, the Partenkirchen Ski Club welcomed 9,000 spectators to the qualification jumping in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. After the two training rounds, Halvor Egner Granerud from Norway and Poland's Dawid Kubacki made it very clear that they would be the top favorites of the day. And that's exactly how it turned out. Dawid Kubacki won the qualification with a jump to 140.5 meters ahead of Anze Lanisek and Timi Zajc from Slovenia. Granerud surprisingly came in 6th. 

For the DSV the qualification was slow. Philipp Raimund was the best German at the end in 9th place with Constantin Schmid (10th) right behind him. Further results: Markus Eisenbichler (14th), Stephan Leyhe (14th), Andreas Wellinger (19th), Felix Hoffmann (28th), Martin Hamann (29th), Karl Geiger (30th), Pius Paschke (37th), Luca Roth (49th).

Jan 1, 2023

Presenting Sponsor Vierschanzentournee
Hauptsponsoren Bauhaus
Liqui Moly
FIS Sponsoren FIS